Making Your Own Wii Theme Cake

Making Your Own Wii Theme Cake Rating: 3,6/5 3816votes

Making Your Own Wii Theme Cake' title='Making Your Own Wii Theme Cake' />How to make a Wii remote birthday cake with Mentos and Twizzlers. Its a Wii Themed Party Wii controller cake. Wiimote filled with treats. Making your Own Fondant. Making Your Own Wii Theme Cake' title='Making Your Own Wii Theme Cake' />Design Your Own Cake Designer Cakes Cake Shop Wedding Cakes Birthday Cakes Novelty Cakes Christening Cakes Coffee Shops Narellan Shellharbour Austral Corrimal Cake Biz. Here you can design and order your own cake, exactly as you would like it. Just follow the steps below and at the end you can order your own custom designed cake. Please note there is a 2 day turn around for custom cake orders. Please call us for orders required under 4. Step 1 Pick a Shape. The Best Wii Party Ideas Ever. My stepson wanted a birthday party this year, so we agreed to host it at our house. He told me he wanted a Wii party this year. I have to say I am inexperienced at hosting boy parties unless they are two or younger. So I thought I have this is going to be easy, until I realized this is not a real popular party idea. I searched on, Googled and used Swagbucks to search for Wii party ideas. Since my theme was Wii. I also wanted to pick a color theme to tie some of my random ideas together. I chose blue and green, since this was a boys party. Here are some of the decorations and things I designed for the party. These are the tags I designed to have another gift favor from his party. They all thought they were cool. Champions Online Gold Membership Hack. I dont have a color printer, so these were black and white. I covered his name to protect his identity. I made mustache straws. The boys got a kick out of that. The mustache was for Mario and they are all the rage now, so I thought it would be funny. They took the mustaches off the straws and started wearing them. I wanted to make something fun for them to do. I had some long paper and cut it in half to look like a Wiimote and used this print out. They were to make a Wiimote without looking. I thought this might be fun however, this did not go over well with this age group. Maybe a younger crowd would enjoy it. Cs 1.6 Maps All. It is my new tradition every kid gets their own birthday banner. His name is wrapped around the other side. I chose not to show it in order to protect his identity. Not to toot my own horn, but I am getting pretty good at making these. I used scrapbook paper and cut out a million triangles in different colors and plan out the pattern. I used the Paper Bunting Template and to get five triangles per standard 1. X1. 2 sheet of scrapbook paper. Then I sewed them together using bias tape. Yes you can sew paper and it is super easy. I found this fabulous free 3. Game Java Strategi Terbaik. D Wiimote favor box download. I cut out and put together and glued, with help from the birthday boy. I only needed to make five, so this was doable. Once put together. I stuffed it with 1 bag of M Ms and one fun size Twix. What do you think The boys loved them. We also had those fabulous Homemade Pizza Rolls I blogged about last week. These were so good. I forgot to take a picture of them baked before they were devoured. I thought it would be fun to place the cookies on skewers and have them in a vase sticking up. This is not the best idea to have boys running around the house with sharp objects acting like they are mini swords. So I had to police as the cookies were eaten, to make sure I got the mini swords, I mean skewers back. I used an old oatmeal container and wrapped it with scrapbooking paper, that matched the banner, to cover it completely. I put a package of black beans to weight it down and stuck the cookie pops in at random places. The Wiimote cake turned out fabulous. I have an unwritten agreement with my neighbor. I bake and ice the cake, and she decorates it for me. She has all the awesome frosting tips and gadgets to decorate a cake. In return I give her coupons and share good deals with her. Fair trade I think. I will post instructions on how make this fabulous cake next week. Oh yeah and the boys played Wii most of the night. Stay connected with Pounds. Pennies on Facebook or join me at Pounds. Pennies on Blog. Frog community for more great savings.