How To Manually Install A Module In Joomla

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XML Sitemap Generator generate free Google sitemaps online. How To Manually Install A Module In Joomla Article' title='How To Manually Install A Module In Joomla Article' />Here we cover the fastest, most effective way to get the PHP DOM extension installed on CentOS. If youve just found out you need to install this extension, but. Installing Joomla Template To install an exported and zipped template via the Joomla administration panel in Joomla 2. JSN Time 2, a high quality Joomla template from JoomlaShine which has clean design for modern magazine. The tempate is optimized for online news and articles. Comparison chart of 3 most popular Content Management Systems WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. Get to know all the pros and cons of each platform. Using Fast. CGI to Host PHP Applications on IIS 7by Ruslan Yakushev. This article describes how to configure the Fast. CGI module and PHP to host PHP applications on IIS 7 and above. Important. This article provides instructions on how to install and use the Fast. CGI component on Windows Server 2. Windows Vista SP1. SP1 is required on Windows Vista. Overview. The Fast. CGI module in IIS enables popular application frameworks that support the Fast. CGI protocol to be hosted on the IIS Web server in a high performance and reliable way. Fast. CGI provides a high performance alternative to the Common Gateway Interface CGI, which is a standard way of interfacing external applications with Web servers that has been a part of the supported IIS feature set since the first release. CGI programs are executable files that are launched by the Web server for each request to process the request and generate dynamic responses that are then sent back to the client. Because many of these frameworks do not support multi threaded execution, CGI enables them to execute reliably on IIS by executing exactly one request per process. Unfortunately, it provides poor performance due to the high cost of starting and shutting down a process for each request. Fast. CGI addresses the performance issues that are inherent in CGI by providing a mechanism to reuse a single process over and over again for many requests. Additionally, Fast. CGI maintains compatibility with non thread safe libraries by providing a pool of reusable processes and ensuring that each process handles only one request at a time. Enable Fast. CGI Support in IISWindows Server 2. Go to Server Manager Roles Add Role Services. On the Select Role Services page, select the CGI check box. This enables both the CGI and Fast. CGI services. Windows Vista SP1. Go to Control Panel Programs and Features Turn Windows features on or off. In the Windows Features dialog box, select the CGI check box. This enables both the CGI and Fast. CGI services. IMPORTANT Install the Update for the Fast. CGI Module. The update for the IIS Fast. CGI module fixes several known compatibility issues with popular PHP applications. Install the update from one of the following locations Install the Administration Pack for IISNote. This step is optional. Among other useful features, the Administration Pack for IIS has a convenient user interface for configuring Fast. CGI settings. The Administration Pack can be installed from the following locations Install and Configure PHPIt is recommended that you use a non thread safe build of PHP with IIS Fast. CGI. A non thread safe build of PHP provides significant performance gains over the standard build by not doing any thread safety checks, which are not necessary, since Fast. CGI ensures a single threaded execution environment. To install PHP Download the latest non thread safe zip package with binaries of PHP http www. Unpack the files to the directory of your choice e. C PHP. Rename the php. Open the php. ini file. Uncomment and modify the settings as follows Set fastcgi. Fast. CGI under IIS supports the ability to impersonate security tokens of the calling client. This allows IIS to define the security context that the request runs under. Set cgi. fixpathinfo1. PATHINFOPATHTRANSLATED support for CGI. Previously, PHP behavior was to set PATHTRANSLATED to SCRIPTFILENAME, and to not define PATHINFO. For more information about PATHINFO, see the cgi specifications. Setting this value to 1 will cause PHP CGI to fix its paths to conform to the specifications. Set cgi. forceredirect 0. Set openbasedir to point to the folder or network path where the content of the Web sites is located. Set extensiondir to point to the location where the PHP extensions are located. Typically, for PHP 5. X the value would be set as extensiondir. Enable the required PHP extension by un commenting the corresponding lines, for example extensionphpmssql. Rns 310 Maps Live. Open a command prompt, and run the following command to verify that PHP installed successfully C PHP php info. If PHP installed correctly and all its dependencies are available on the machine, this command will output the current PHP configuration information. Configure IIS to Handle PHP Requests. For IIS to host PHP applications, you must add a handler mapping that tells IIS to pass all PHP specific requests to the PHP application framework by using the Fast. CGI protocol. Configure IIS to handle PHP requests by using IIS Manager. Open IIS Manager. At the server level, double click Handler Mappings. In the Actions pane, click Add Module Mapping. In the Add Module Mapping dialog box, specify the configuration settings as follows Request path. Module Fast. Cgi. Module. Executable C Path to your PHP installationphp cgi. Name PHP via Fast. CGIClick OK. In the Add Module Mapping confirmation dialog box that asks if you want to create a Fast. CGI application for this executable, click Yes. Test that the handler mapping works correctly by creating a phpinfo. C inetpubwwwroot folder that contains the following code lt Open a browser and navigate to http localhostphpinfo. If everything was setup correctly, you will see the standard PHP information page. Note. If you do not see Fast. Cgi. Module in the Modules list, the module is either not registered or not enabled. To check if the Fast. CGI module is registered, open the IIS configuration file that is located at windirwindowssystem. Host. config and check that the following line is present in the lt global. Modules section lt add nameFast. Cgi. Module imagewindirSystem. In the same file, also check that the Fast. CGI module is added to the lt modules section lt add nameFast. Cgi. Module. Configure IIS to handle PHP requests by using the command line. Alternatively, you can complete the steps above by using the command line tool A pp. Cmd. Create the Fast. CGI application process pool by running the following command C windirsystem. Serverfast. CGI full. Pathc phpfolderphp cgi. Create the handler mapping by running the following command C windirsystem. Serverhandlers namePHPviaFast. CGI,path php,verb,modulesFast. Cgi. Module,script. Processorc phpfolderphp cgi. TypeUnspecified. Note. Download Gpx Files From Garmin Connect App more. If you are using PHP version 4. X, you can use php. Best Practices for Configuring Fast. CGI and PHPThis download contains a summary presentation on Best Practices for hosting PHP in a shared hosting environment. Security Isolation for PHP Web Sites. The recommendation for isolating PHP Web sites in a shared hosting environment is consistent with all general security isolation recommendations for IIS. In particular, it is recommended to Use one application pool per Web site. Use a dedicated user account as an identity for the application pool. Configure an anonymous user identity to use the application pool identity. Ensure that Fast. CGI impersonation is enabled in the php. For more details about security isolation in a shared hosting environment, see Ensure Security Isolation for Web Sites. PHP Process Recycling Behavior. Ensure that Fast. CGI always recycles the php cgi. PHP recycling kicks in. The Fast. CGI process recycling behavior is controlled by the configuration property instance. Max. Requests. This property specifies how many requests the Fast. CGI process will process before recycling.