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Photo Contests. Collect images, run hashtag and caption contests, feature user generated content, enable voting, and more with a Photo Contest. FYAhGKzg/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Auto Captcha Entry Software' title='Auto Captcha Entry Software' />Trump Official Met with Palmer Luckey, Chuck Johnson to Discuss the Wall, For Some Reason UpdatedOn the day he assumed his new job as head of the US Interior Department DOI, Ryan Zinke rode a horse through the streets of Washington. It seems only fitting now that we should find actual horseshit in the retired Navy SEALs office. Last month, Zinke, the man who runs 5. Americas own shitlords, Chuck C. Johnson and Palmer Luckey, to discuss President Donald Trumps plans for building a wall along the US Mexico border. The man who arranged the meeting was the secretarys friend, American Sniper author Scott Mc. Ewen, who also coauthored Zinkes own biography American Commander. Johnson, you might recall, is the notorious troll who managed to secure a lifetime ban from Twitter after asking for funding to take out activist De. Ray Mc. Kessonfar from the first time hed harassed someone online. P_Ezsk/UnqFd2uCqLI/AAAAAAAAAWs/GFb6mNQWhWE/s1600/captcha_sarkarzone.com3.png' alt='Auto Captcha Entry Software' title='Auto Captcha Entry Software' />Auto Captcha Entry SoftwareHes also the founder of the highly partisan, often spurious, and achingly irrelevant Got. News. Johnsons most recent belt notch is the alt right crowdfunding platform Wesearchr, a site which frequently experiences outages and is currently pooling money for the legal defense of neo Nazi site the Daily Stormer. Though largely out of the spotlight, Johnson has repeatedly touted his own proximity to the Trump administration in recent months. Luckey is, at this point, as well known for founding virtual reality company Oculus as he is for being slowly pushed out of it. It was revealed that the 2. Hillary shitposting political action committee called Nimble America with Milo Yiannopoulos as a silent partner later it was discovered hed funneled 1. Trump campaign after claiming he voted for Gary Johnson. Now, no longer employed by Facebook, Luckey seemingly spends his days getting into flamewars with Redditors. Neither of these men, to the best of our knowledge, has any particular expertise on wall construction, immigration, or policy, foreign or domestic. A log of Zinkes meetings last month, published recently to the DOI website in response to several Freedom of Information Act requests, reveals that on April 1. DOI revenue streamsZinke held a meeting with Johnson and Luckey on the topic of Border Wall building plans. Four other DOI employees, all of whom are Trump beachhead team members, were present for the meeting, including Megan Bloomgren, Zinkes acting communications director. The Secretary had a brief meeting where he listened to their ideas about using technology on the border and referred the gentlemen to the Department of Homeland Security, a spokeswoman for Zinke told Gizmodo. Asked whether the Secretary was aware of Johnsons extremely inappropriate and abusive behavior prior to the meeting, she said he was not. Regarding setting up the meeting, a friend of the Secretarys suggested he talk with them about their technology, she said. As a result, they had a very brief meeting with the Secretary. There was no action after. Asked which of the secretarys friends had set up the meeting, the spokeswoman replied The friend is Scott Mc. Auto Captcha Entry Software' title='Auto Captcha Entry Software' />Ewen. Johnson did not reply to multiple requests for comment. Luckey, reached via Twitter DM, responded same answer as last time, a reference to Gizmodos last attempt to secure comment from Luckey, in which he replied, I could give you an answer, or I could tell you to fuck yourself. Full Features List Key Survey. Survey link options. Secure link on app. SSLUnsecure link on app. SSLIP Address. Custom domain link. Distribution channels. Email send a link to a survey by email. Metro A Responsive Theme For Phpbb 3 Install here. Online portal. Mobile apps. Third party web page. Publish link to a survey. Embed survey into a web page. Distribution by email. Customize email messages. The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of wiki software packages. Select HTML or Plain Text email format. Personalize invitation. Attach file. Customize opt out link. Set email priority. Request read receipt. Invite in multiple languages. Customize From email address. Specify Reply to email address. 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