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Microsoft-Office-2007-Cracked.gif?fit=593%2C807&ssl=1' alt='Windows Office 2007 Torrent Tpb Pirate' title='Windows Office 2007 Torrent Tpb Pirate' />Timeline of file sharing Wikipedia. This is a timeline of events in the history of file sharing. Most file sharing in this era was done by modem over landline telephone, at speeds from 3. Many file systems in use only supported short filenames. Computer memory and speed was very limited, with 5. MHz CPUs only being accessible to consumers at the end of the decade. FTP, IRC and Usenet were the main vehicles for file sharing in this decade. Data compression technologies for audio and video like MP3, AAC and MPEG came into use towards the end of the 1. Copper wire was common with fibre optic cable only becoming available late in the decade. Michael Sandrof adds Client to client protocol functionality to IRC clientirc. II allowing users to share files. November 1. 99. 0 The World Wide Web is formally proposed by Tim Berners Lee and Robert Cailliau. December 1. The Moving Pictures Experts Group chooses an audio codec developed by Karlheinz Brandenburg and his colleagues at Fraunhofer Society with input from AT T and Thomson to serve as the MPEG 1 Audio Layer 3 MP3 ISOIEC standard. This allows songs on CDs to be converted into small computer files. June 1. 99. 2 RFC 1. Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsMIME standards for sending audio and images by email, paving the way for the alt. Usenet. 1. 11. 99. Software Publishers Association runs an anti copyright infringement campaign Dont Copy That Floppy. July 1. 99. 4 The Fraunhofer Society released the l. September 1. 99. 5 The Fraunhofer Society released Win. Play. 3, the first software mp. Windows. June 1. 99. Mp. 3 warez group Rabid Neurosis founded. Using connections inside record companies, they rip pre release music CDs, and make the mp. Mirabilis developed ICQ a chat client for Windows that can do file transfers up to 2 GBs. Scour Inc. is founded by five UCLA Computer Science students. Early products provide file search and download using the SMB protocol, as well as a multimedia web search engine released in 1. Scour attracted early attention and support from media industry insiders before declaring bankruptcy in October 2. April 1. 99. 7 Winamp audio player is released,1. MP3 files. May 1. AOL launches AOL Instant Messenger with file transfer capabilities. August 1. 99. 7 Hotline is announced at Mac. World,1. 7 and allows chat, forums, and file transfers. It becomes popular among Mac users. September 1. 99. 7 Windows Media Player 6. November 1. 99. 7. MP3. com is founded by Michael Robertson and Greg Flores. Initially an FTP search engine, MP3. It serves 4 million audio file downloads per day at its peak and becomes the largest technology IPO in July 1. The release of My. MP3. com in January 2. In May 2. 00. 0, UMG v. MP3. com, would be ruled in favor of the record labels. MP3. com would settle for 2. January 1. 99. 8 Musicmatch Jukebox is released providing easier to use CD ripping software for creating mp. Windows. 2. 0March 1. The MPMan F1. 0, the first portable MP3 player, is launched. July 1. 99. 8 Sound. Jam MP released allowing mp. CD ripping on Macintosh computers. In 2. 00. 0, Apple bought this program, and used it as the basis for i. Tunes. September 1. Rio PMP3. 00 MP3 player is shipped by Diamond Multimedia. Its popularity leads the RIAA to file a temporary restraining order in October, without success. October 1. 99. 8 Digital Millennium Copyright Act is unanimously passed by the US Senate. DMCA provides a safe harbor ensuring that Internet Service Providers cannot be sued for the activities of their users. November 1. 99. 8 Audiogalaxy is created by Michael Merhej. Initially an FTP search engine, the Audiogalaxy Satellite P2. P client would reach 1 million downloads in 2. In May 2. 00. 2, a suit by the RIAA would force Audiogalaxy to block sharing of illegal songs. In June 2. 00. 2, Audiogalaxy would settle the suit for an undisclosed amount and make its services opt in. Chip Tuning Software more. In September 2. 00. Audiogalaxy would discontinue P2. P services in favor of Rhapsody, a pay streaming service. December 1. 99. 8 MP3 Newswire, the first digital media news site, is launched. February 1. 99. 9 Chinas Tencent launches QQ, a chat client with file transfer capability. June 1. 99. 9 Napster was created by Shawn Fanning. Napster let users search across all users shares. Napster provided a centralized server that indexed the files, and carried out the searches. Individual files, however, remain on the hosts computers and were transferred directly from peer to peer. November 1. 99. 9 The Direct Connect network is created. November 1. 99. 9 i. Mesh is launched. December 1. 99. 9 The first lawsuits were filed against Napster. In computer science terms, modern file sharing begins in the 2. Several file sharing protocols and file formats were introduced, along with nearly a decade in protocol experimentation. Towards the end of the 2. Bit. Torrent became subject to a man in the middle attack in TCP mode and this has led most file sharing protocols to move to UDP towards the very end of the decade. Client and tracker software in this era was in development as much as the transmission protocols, so the file trading software was not always as reliable as it could have been. February A M Records, Inc. Napster, Inc. February Napster peaks at 2. March Kazaa and the Fast. Track proprietary protocol are released by Niklas Zennstrm, Janus Friis, and Priit Kasesalu. The Kazaa Media Desktop client came bundled with malware. Legal action in the Netherlands would force an offshoring of the company, renamed Sharman Networks. In September 2. 00. RIAA would file suit against private individuals allegedly sharing files via Kazaa. In September 2. 00. UMA v. Sharman would be ruled against Sharman by the Federal Court of Australia. Sharmans non compliance would prompt censorship of the program in Australia. In June 2. 00. 6, the MGM Studios, Inc. Grokster, Ltd. would cause Sharman to settle for 1. Kazaa to a legal only file sharing program. April Morpheus is released by Music. City later Stream. Cast, after licensing the Fast. Track protocol. 4. Music. City had previously operated Open. Nap servers. Morpheus would become a popular Fast. Track client, with 4. February 2. 00. 2. In March 2. 00. 3, the Morpheus client was re released to operate on Gnutella, using Gnucleus servant as its core. In June 2. 00. 5, a redesigned Morpheus client would be released. In June 2. 00. 6, MGM Studios, Inc. Grokster, Ltd. would be decided against Stream. Cast. In June 2. 00. Morpheus client would become no longer available for download. April gtk gnutella client is released. July Napster shuts down due to injunction. Many former Napster users move to Open. Nap servers. 4. 3July Audiogalaxy Satellite client reaches 1 million downloads. July 1 Bit. Torrent released by Bram Cohen. Users only upload one or a small number of files at a time, but all peers are forced to seed to other peers from the parts of a file they have received so far. There is usually no way to search for files built into the program itself, so search engine sites had to be established. Downloads for popular files tend to be quite fast. August Share. Reactor e. Donkey network index site founded. It would be taken down by police in March 2. September Sony Music Entertainment admitted that they had included digital rights management software on Michael Jacksons You Rock My World single, perhaps the first such scheme to be implemented.