Sia We Are Born Rare

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Female circumcision women must have the right to choose says Dr. Fuambai Sia Ahmadu The Sierra Leone Telegraph. Sierra Leone Telegraph 8 February 2. Recently, a senior minister in the Koroma government of Sierra Leone the Minister of Gender and Social Welfare Moijueh Kaikai, said unequivocally that female circumcision will not be abolished, echoing the views of most politicians,and perhaps that of millions of people up and down the country. Photo Female Rights Activist Dr. Fuambai Sia Ahmadu. And as the global debate continues intensely, there is a consensus emerging between those calling for banning of the practice and those defending the right of women to choose. This emerging consensus is based on the general acceptance that female circumcision should be out of bounds for children. But what is not clear is the determination as to the acceptable age at which consent can be deemed to have been given by a young woman. Hence the principle of consent and the capacity to give such consent, cannot be swept under the carpet by either side of the debate, as a blanket ban seems simply impractical and against the tenets of civil liberty. Sierra Leone Telegraphs Washington correspondent Dennis Kabatto caught up with Sierra Leonean American medical anthropologist and female rights activist Dr. Fuambai Sia Ahmadu, who is calling for an end to what she describes as Zero Tolerance Propaganda Campaign. CBF6A700000578-3047908-Sia_swaps_her_signature_platinum_bob_for_an_elaborate_headdress_-m-2_1429569042402.jpg' alt='Sia We Are Born Rare' title='Sia We Are Born Rare' />6 explanations, 2 meanings to Dublin In The Rare Old Times lyrics by The Dubliners Raised on songs stories, heroes of renown The. This is what she told Dennis Kabbatto. DK Dr. Fuambai Sia Ahmadu, you recently participated in the BBC television Hardtalk debate. How did that come about I was invited by the producers of Hardtalk to take part in a discussion on what I refer to as female circumcision, alongside Nimco Ali, a campaigner against what she and other opponents call FGM. Photo Fuambai left, and Nimco right. It was a very intense debate, but I think enlightening for a lot of viewers who never once thought there was another side to FGM. DK How will the Zero Tolerance for FGM Act of 2. The Fame Monster Zip. America Traditional female circumcision is virtually unheard of today in America. Anti FGM activists manufacture the most outrageous statistics on the risk of FGM in the U. S, as well as unfounded claims regarding an underground trafficking of girls from the U. S to Africa for vacation cutting. Mainstream media outlets clearly do not feel obligated to do simple fact checking or due diligence when it comes to such reports. Twenty plus years ago, there were some African immigrant women who were keen on maintaining this aspect of their culture, and few were able to financially and logistically take their daughters to their home countries in Africa for female initiation or female circumcision. This is what happened in my case, but it was a rare occurrence in our communities even then. DK Although FGM is banned in the United States, a new CDC report released in January says the number of women and girls in USA at risk of FGM have tripled over the last 2. Is that a victory for African Women Are Free to Choose AWAFC The recent CDC report that over 5. FGM in the US is completely and I believe deliberately misleading. The purpose is to provide for the anti FGM NGO Equality Now, the data it needs to bolster its lobbying efforts to pass the Zero Tolerance for Anti FGM Act of 2. This will guarantee allocation of funds and resources towards Director Shelby Quasts inflated income and other activities in the U. S.  In other words, Equality Now wants money and will stop at nothing to get it. All the experts I know, submitted their concerns about the methods being used by CDC to calculate FGM risk and the initial reports gross exaggeration of these figures. The numbers used by the CDC are based on African women, who are already circumcised, the prevalence of the practice in their countries of origin and the erroneous assumption that they will circumcise their daughters when they immigrate to the US. There is no evidence to substantiate the assumptions that are made in the report. Further, this report is ultimately attributing a priori criminality to certain groups of African women, and advocating for a dangerous form of racial or ethnic profiling, targeting African and Muslim communities. We intend to make our concerns about this CDC report known to anti FGM activists, the mainstream media, policymakers and all relevant stakeholders in the U. Sia Furler born 18 December 1975, known professionally as Sia, is an Australian singer, songwriter, and music video director. Musically and artistically precocious. DOWNLOAD DWARF FORTRESS 0. November 23, 2017 Windows Linux Mac. All Versions. Current Development RSS Feed, Release Feed, Bay12Games. We has 49,550 ratings and 3,023 reviews. Forrest said George Orwell, you poser. You punk. You. thief I heard that you had read this before writing. Out Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum. S administration as well as within our own communities. I am not sure what you mean by whether this is a victory of AWAFC. We are not here to spread female circumcision in the US or anywhere in the world. Our key mission is to create awareness about the negative psychosocial and psychosexual impact of harmful anti FGM campaigns, legislation and global policies. Sia We Are Born Rare' title='Sia We Are Born Rare' />I was a pillpopper Aussie songstress Sia reveals new details of her battle with drug and alcohol addiction and depression. Download Ibm Client Access 7.1 64 Bit. By Andrea Magrath and Bianca Soldani. AWAFC is also concerned with creating dialogue on ways to preserve the rights of all affected adult women and adolescent girls to their own bodies, to self determination and to equality with other adult women and adolescent girls worldwide. DK What is your reaction to the Gambias recent ban of FGM  What are the implications for people who practice the tradition in that country I believe President Yayah Jammeh Photo had his reasons for taking such a surprise and potentially unpopular decision, in a country where the vast majority of women are circumcised and celebrate this tradition in large, open initiation ceremonies. President Jammeh is a shrewd and savvy quasi dictator. He is well aware that Gambian women in western countries can apply for and receive automatic asylum on gender based violence claims, with respect to FGM. This recent executive decision has effectively closed the door to his most vocal critics and opponents in the UK and US. I also lean on believing his sincerity, when he says this practice is not sanctioned by Islam and that he is genuinely concerned about the health implications for girls and women. Theres a lot of ignorance and misinformation about the varied forms of female circumcision in relation to Islam, as well as well purported health and sexual outcomes. Most people, like President Jammeh, are regrettably misled by the media and activist led anti FGM propaganda. AWAFC was created to end this insidious disinformation and to hold the media and anti FGM activists accountable for what they print, say and do. As far as implications for the practice an important Senegambian study funded by UNICEF clearly indicated that the law has little effect on the practice because it is driven underground. A Gambian friend recently told me that what we will see is an end to the open celebrations similar to what is happening now in Kenya, but the operations will continue. This most certainly means that girls will be circumcised at younger and younger ages, and that their health and lives will be at the mercy of greedy quacks instead of highly trained traditional circumcisers or medical practitioners. DK UNICEF estimates 2. FGM is practiced have passed laws against it. Do you think it would be outlawed in Sierra Leone Absolutely not and we will certainly lobby hard against this new form of neocolonialism in Sierra Leone. What is the Government of Sierra Leone Go. SL going to do, lock up 8. Are the predominantly male policemen going to arrest their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives and so on The Minister of Gender and Social Welfare, Hon.