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The Daily Stormer Are AssholesInternet companies typically take a hands off approach to offensive content on their networks, erring on the side of maintaining an open internet. But this approach sometimes ends in PR disaster. For Twitter, the debate has bubbled up in the form of rampant harassment, and the company has responded by slowly, grudgingly blocking high profile harassers from its platform. For You. Tube, the debate has focused on ISIS propaganda and other extremist videos. After a violent weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia that ended with a protester being killed, that fight has focused on Go. Daddy, Cloudflare, and other companies that provide web hosting and DDo. S protection for neo Nazi websites like The Daily Stormer. Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. Today, Cloudflare reversed its long held policy to remain content neutral and booted The Daily Stormer out from behind its DDo. S protection service. This was my decision. This is not Cloudflares general policy now, going forward, Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince told Gizmodo. I think we have to have a conversation over what part of the infrastructure stack is right to police content. Prince explained in an internal email to staffers that he doesnt think CEOs of internet companies should be in the position of policing content on their networkshe told Gizmodo he thinks thats a job that should ultimately be left up to law enforcement if the content violates the lawbut felt pushed to act because the operators of the Daily Stormer are assholes. Keyboard Arabic there. I realized there was no way we were going to have that conversation with people calling us Nazis, Prince said. The Daily Stormer site was bragging on their bulletin boards about how Cloudflare was one of them and that is the opposite of everything we believe. That was the tipping point for me. But leaving these decisions to CEOs like himself is exactly what Prince doesnt wantand thats why Cloudflare isnt changing its content neutral policy going forward. XMIND_36.png' alt='Hypersonic 2 Team Air Win7 64Bit' title='Hypersonic 2 Team Air Win7 64Bit' />Instead, Prince wants to spark a conversation about how tech should respond to abhorrent content, and whether content should be policed by registrars, browsers, or social networks. We need to have a discussion around this, with clear rules and clear frameworks. My whims and those of Jeff Bezos and Larry Page and Satya Nadella and Mark Zuckerberg, that shouldnt be what determines what should be online, he said. I think the people who run The Daily Stormer are abhorrent. But again I dont think my political decisions should determine who should and shouldnt be on the internet. Heres the email Prince sent to staffers today explaining his decision Team Earlier today Cloudflare terminated the account of the Daily Stormer. Weve stopped proxying their traffic and stopped answering DNS requests for their sites. Weve taken measures to ensure that they cannot sign up for Cloudflares services again. This was my decision. Our terms of service reserve the right for us to terminate users of our network at our sole discretion. The Trump regime all needs to get on the same page, and quick. But if President Trumps past of undercutting the more diplomatic members of his team is any. The latest PC gaming hardware news, plus expert, trustworthy and unbiased buying guides. Here you can download hypersonic 2 team air win7. Hypersonic 2 TEAM AiR Mixer C6. HYPERSONIC WIN7 64bit AIR Torrent Link http NOTES DL httpadf. VsJOI. My rationale for making this decision was simple the people behind the Daily Stormer are assholes and Id had enough. Let me be clear this was an arbitrary decision. It was different than what Id talked talked with our senior team about yesterday. I woke up this morning in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the Internet. I called our legal team and told them what we were going to do. I called our Trust Safety team and had them stop the service. It was a decision I could make because Im the CEO of a major Internet infrastructure company. This was my decision. This is not Cloudflares general policy now, going forward, Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince told Gizmodo. I think we have to have a. Having made that decision we now need to talk about why it is so dangerous. Ill be posting something on our blog later today. Literally, I woke up in a bad mood and decided someone shouldnt be allowed on the Internet. No one should have that power. Cloudflare employees name redacted asked after I told him what we were going to do Is this the day the Internet dies He was half joking, but I actually think its an important question. Its important that what we did today not set a precedent. The right answer is for us to be consistently content neutral. But we need to have a conversation about who and how the content online is controlled. We couldnt have that conversation while the Daily Stormer site was using us. Now, hopefully, we can. Ill be publishing a blog post with all our thoughts on this issue in a few hours. Until then, Id ask that you not talk about this externally. Matthew Prince. Co founder CEOUpdate 81. ET Prince published a blog post on Cloudflares site discussing the reasons behind his decision. Removing Cloudflares protection opens sites up to vigilante DDo. S attacks, Prince explained. The size and scale of the attacks that can now easily be launched online make it such that if you dont have a network like Cloudflare in front of your content, and you upset anyone, you will be knocked offline, he wrote. But having the mechanism of content control be vigilante hackers launching DDo. S attacks subverts any rational concept of justice. Rex Tillerson Says Theres No Imminent Threat From North Korea, Americans Should Sleep Well. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and President Trump are rarely on the same page. But nowhere is that divide more obvious than when the two talk about North Korea. Tillerson is currently on a plane heading from Malaysia to Washington, DC, and just talked to reporters during a refueling stop in Guam. The Secretary of State stressed that he doesnt believe North Korea poses any imminent threat to the United States and that Americans should sleep well at night. This, of course, is welcome news to Americans who went to bed last night thinking about President Trumps threats that North Korea will be met with the fire and fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before. But its hard to take seriously when everything else the Trump regime does seems to make the situation worse. North Korea made threats just a few hours after Trumps fire and fury comments. The North Koreans specifically threatened the US territory of Guam, and its strategic American military bases in the South Pacific. The country said that it was studying the possibility of striking Guam with an enveloping fire. But Tillerson insisted that theres really nothing to worry about. CNN correspondent David Write quotes Tillerson as saying that Guam is not the only place that can be under threat, but stressed that they arent overly worried about North Koreas particular rhetoric of the last few days. I think what the president was doing was sending a strong message to North Korea in language that Kim Jong un would understand, because he doesnt seem to understand diplomatic language, said Tillerson. I think the president just wanted to be clear to the North Korean regime that the US has an unquestionable ability to defend itself, will defend itself and its allies and I think it was important that he deliver that message to avoid any miscalculation on their part, Tillerson continued, defending the president. Tillerson and Trump have had vastly different responses to the rising tensions on the Korean peninsula. Tillerson has went so far as to recently insist that the US is not the enemy of North Korea. Trumps most recent rant obviously undercuts that more diplomatic message. So far this morning, Trump has been on a retweeting frenzy, amplifying six tweets from Fox News before 8 0. Eastern time. Three of those retweets are about North Korea, and that flurry of retweeting has led to people waking up this morning to a barrage of frightening news alerts, as evidenced by a screenshot from Tom Namako of Buzzfeed News Hes also tweeted about Americas nukes. The Trump regime all needs to get on the same page, and quick. But if President Trumps past of undercutting the more diplomatic members of his team is any indication, things are going to be messy for a very long time. Lets just hope that this particular type of mess doesnt include a full blown nuclear war. Because as Trump and Kim Jong un each turn up the rhetoric, the world gets less and less safe with each passing day. David WrightCNN and Associated PressUpdate, 1. The State Department just released a transcript of the full discussion between the press and Secretary Tillerson. Were not running out of pixels, so were publishing the entire interaction below. QUESTION Mr. Secretary, President Trump said that North Koreas threats against the United States, if they continue, will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen before. Is this part of a diplomatic strategy or did you find those remarks to be unhelpful SECRETARY TILLERSON Well, I think the U. S. and international community with respect to North Korea has actually had a pretty good week. We had a unanimous UN Security Council resolution strengthening sanctions against North Korea with China and Russia joining us in that vote, and then at ASEAN, a lot of strong statements coming out of ASEAN, and I think also reinforced with a global community that has expressed its view that North Korea really needs to stand down this program. And so I think in response to that, North Koreas rhetoric has just ratcheted up louder and louder and more threatening. So I think the President what the President is doing is sending a strong message to North Korea in language that Kim Jong un can understand, because he doesnt seem to understand diplomatic language. I think the President just wanted to be clear to the North Korean regime on the U. S. unquestionable ability to defend itself, will defend itself and its allies, and I think it was important that he deliver that message to avoid any miscalculation on their part. QUESTION Well, one of their one of North Koreas responses was to say its going to direct missiles on Guam. Thats exactly where you are headed right now. Would you consider re routingSECRETARY TILLERSON Well, the North Korean missile capability can point in many directions, so Guam is not the only place that would be under threat. No, I never considered re routing the trip back, and I do not believe that there is any imminent threat, in my own view. QUESTION Do you think theres a longer term threat, specifically about Guam, against the region in general SECRETARY TILLERSON Well, I hope not. Again, what were hopeful is that this pressure campaign, which the entire world now has joined us in, and with the engagement of China and Russia, two of North Koreas closest neighbors that they can begin to persuade the regime that they needed to reconsider the current pathway theyre on and think about engaging in a dialogue about a different future. QUESTION Have China and Russia been helpful at all to you in the last 2. Have you spoken with your counterparts and have they helped in any way SECRETARY TILLERSON Well, I havent spoken to them since we left Manila, which was, I guess, about a day and a half ago. But we had direct discussions in Manila about the situation. I know that they were having talks as well with the representative from North Korea. I think that is evidence that they have very good, open channels of communication to be able to talk to the regime of North Korea, and we hope that they will be encouraging them to stand down their program and abide by the UN Security Council resolutions, which both China and Russia have voted for in the past. How Do You Install Mods To Gta San Andreas. So Im hopeful that they can use their influence and I think they do have influence with the regime to bring them to a point of dialogue, but with the right expectation of what that dialogue inaudible. QUESTION Has anything happened in the last 2. SECRETARY TILLERSON Nothing that I have seen and nothing that I know of would indicate that the situation has dramatically changed in the last 2. QUESTION Do you have any immediate diplomatic plans to de escalate the situation that could have an impact within days instead of months or years SECRETARY TILLERSON Well, we have a very active, ongoing diplomatic effort, most of which is behind the scenes because thats where diplomacy is most effective. We had very open conversations and our telephone lines remain open, certainly, to China and Russia as well as our allies, and I think publicly, weve been pretty clear in our statements directed at the North Koreans as to what we would like to see happen and make clear to them that we do not seek to be a threat to them, but we have to respond to the serious threats that they make towards us.