Commandos Underwear Patch

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Commandos Underwear Patch' title='Commandos Underwear Patch' />Appendix Australian English military slang Wiktionary. Members of the Australian military known officially as the Australian Defence Force or ADF use many unique slang terms. The ADF is made up of the Royal Australian Navy RAN, the Australian Army, and the Royal Australian Air Force RAAF. Each have their own distinct traditions but share a defence force culture. Some military slang words, such as digger, have become widely used by Australians in general. However, most slang used in the ADF is restricted to its personnel. Keep in mind the lack of sources on this page. ACE, spelt ASM, Warrant officer Class 2 of a RAEME unit, Artificer Sergeant Major. Gday ace, how are ya SirAce fuckheads headquarters in an armoured unit. Comes from the callsigns 9. A, 9. C, 9. E, 9. F, 9. H. 9. 0s usage. Being the 2ic, Tech. O, LO, SSM and SQMS, respectively. ACMS Army Capability Management System Because entering all your data in three systems isnt enough ROMAN, PMKey. S, and MILIS. ACMS excels at reversing the pareto principle, that is, instead of 2. ACMS creates 8. 0 of the work to account for less than 2. Armys assets. Adgie Refers to a RAAF airfield defence guard. After fives Refers to the plain black spit polished dress shoe worn by soldiers either with their pollies or after dinner to give their feet a rest from their boots. Air Base A RAAF Base as described by the Australian media, Army and Navy personnel. Today, an Army C1. Hercules was seen landing at Air Base Amberly. Airy fairies Refers to Air Force personnel, usually used by the Army or Navy. Rarely heard these days. A. J. A Jay Army Jerk. DC-going-commando-THS.jpg' alt='Commandos Underwear Patch' title='Commandos Underwear Patch' />A derogatory term often used by civilians, RAAF and Navy personnel in reference to soldiers in townships with large concentrations of soldiers particularly Darwin and Townsville. Also often used by soldiers in reference to other soldiers behaving badly in public, for example He was being a real AJ or They were acting like a bunch of real AJs and giving the rest of us a bad name. As in this was written by an A. J. Like many derogatory terms, AJ has been taken back by the AJs. In other words its OK for us to say it, but you might get a slap if you say it, depending on tone and location. A. J. fade away Refers to a soldiers ability to disapear when they are required to do something or attend something after 1. A. J fade away from the boozer. Army personnel to fade away when having a night out, usually in the form of leaving without saying goodbye to the people they are there with. Often used to describe the habit of Army males leaving the females they have been trying to become romantically involved with. As in Whered you end up last night, I didnt see you after dinner Yeah I did the old A. J. fade awayAJAX Packet Ajax packets were placed in the front windows of married quarters to indicate to single men that the man of the house was away, AJAX, AJ Away at Exercise. See OMO. See also FAB. Angel Raper Air Defence Regiment Surface Air Missiles member, part of the Royal Australian Artillery. Angry Chook Army Chinook heavy lift helicopter. Angry Palm Tree Army or Navy helicopter. Accident List Table 1 Police have confirmed that they have recovered body from the sea off the coast of Dunbar, thought to be that of a missing Fife diver. Captain America The Winter Soldier is the 2014 sequel to Captain America The First Avenger and the ninth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directed. Version 1. 0 of Playerunknowns Battlegrounds has once again returned to the test servers. The 100player Battle Royale em up still isnt ready to launch in. APC Armoured personnel carrier. APC Arm, pits, and crotch, a type of bath taken in the bush with limited water. Arc up To initiate an engagement against an enemy force with offensive fire. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Also to shout at, as in Sarge arced up at me for not ironing my DPCUs. Arse end Arnold Used to refer to the person who is guarding the rear in any field patrol formation typically used by Army. Arse Ripping RAN version of a Face Ripping. Also described as Getting torn a new oneArgit short for Arghhh get fucked Army appreciation day Pay day. Burp Suite Edition 1.5. Aus. Cam An abbreviation of Australian camouflage, the standard camouflage pattern on Australian Military equipment. Back ups Seconds when having a meal. Bag, the Conduct After Capture CAC training. Formerly known as Resistance To Interrogation RTI training. Also referred to as getting bagged or going in the bag. Bagger Air Force term for a married member living off base. Refers to brown bagging meals from home instead of eating in the Mess. Bagus From the Indonesian word for good, Bagus pronounced in an Australian accent as baggis, is used by Indonesian linguists as an alternative for good. Bait layer An Army cook. C359&ssl=1' alt='Commandos Underwear Patch' title='Commandos Underwear Patch' />Refers to a person who drops poison meat to kill dingos. Balder Refers to a conversation not worth having. Bang Seat Ejection seat. Bang Stick A rifle. Banjo Refers to a bacon and egg breakfast roll wrapped in tin foil and delivered in hot boxes typically to troops staying overnight at the range. Barbecue After firing weapons at the range, or on exercise, the unit will spend as long as it takes to clean all the weapons. This is called a barbecue. After we finish here, were going back to the barracks for a barbecue. A barbecue Great Will there be beer and snags Ha ha ha, no son, its not that kind of barbecue. Derived from the similar appearance of both a barbecue and a weapon cleaning bath made from a 4. Barracks lawyer A soldier who professes to know everything about military law, who reckons he could have probably got David Hicks out of Gitmo by finding a technicality in his charge sheet. Base Rat A female civilian resident of a garrison town who can be frequently found on an Army barracks at the consecutive invitation of a high number of male soldiers. Bash To mould a KFF q. Bastardisation An archaic term used in reference to illegal initiations and punishments that often involved putting subordinates or peers in highly irregular situations. Bat Masturbation. Bat cave Secluded place adorned with or having access to pornographic material. Sigs Corps. connex, command bunkerpit Infantry Corps, Engineers Corps, armoured command vehicle Armoured Corps. Usually used on long deployments or exercises. In training establishments, also denotes a supposedly secret location where dirty clothing and other contraband is hidden by recruits prior to an inspection. Battle tranny Refers to a portable device cf. FMAM radio stations often cammed up by individual soldiers. Bayo Bayonet Assault Course. BBDA Back blast danger area a term used when firing shoulder fired rockets such as the M7. Carl Gustav. Also used in emails that are sent out that nobody wants anyone else to see check your BBDA you would then check your rear for any onlookers. BBDA Bag A fabric sack designed to be attached to the rear of the 8. Carl Gustav Medium Direct Fire Support Weapon to contain the back blast. Belongs to the same equipment set at left handed screwdrivers and long weightsBBPAG Big Black Plastic Army Gun refers to the M6. GPMG in contrast to the LBPAG M1. LGPAG F8. 8Bed Wetter RAAF term for a RAAF apprentice who looks far too young to be enlisted. Bean counter Refers to anyone that knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Can also refer to military accountants and unit resource managers. Beasting To Beast means to stand over or monster a subordinate. The expression is more commonly used by officers. For example, He copped a beasting off the Sergeant Major. Bedpan scrapper medic. Bear EW Operator. From the location of 7 SIG REGT at Cabarlah, QLD as in Cabarlah Bears. Beer Issue Two beers per night perhaps Refers to the practice of issuing each sailor two beers either on a special occasion or rarely when the time can be spared. Bible Pornographic magazines.