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Cunt matthewhunt. The c word, cunt, is perhaps the most offensive word in the English language, and consequently it has never been researched in depth. Hugh Rawsons Dictionary Of Invective contains the most detailed study of what he calls The most heavily tabooed of all English words 1. The Battle For Middle Earth Torrent' title='1066 The Battle For Middle Earth Torrent' />Cunt A Cultural History Of The C Word is therefore intended as the first comprehensive analysis of this ancient and powerful word. Cunt has been succinctly defined as the bottom half of a woman or a very despicable person Pentti Olli, 1. According to Francis Groses scurrilous definition, it is a nasty name for a nasty thing 1. Cunt is a synonym for vagina, though this is only its most familiar meaning. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, by Sabine BaringGould, free ebook. B a large conducting body such as the earth used as a common return for an electric circuit and as an arbitrary zero of potential. D0%90%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%B0-%D1%84%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%84-%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%B0%D1%80-2710336.jpeg' alt='1066 The Battle For Middle Earth Torrent' title='1066 The Battle For Middle Earth Torrent' />1066 The Battle For Middle Earth TorrentAs a noun, cunt has numerous other senses a woman viewed as a sexual object, sexual intercourse, a foolish person, an infuriating device, an ironically affectionate term of address, the mouth as a sexual organ, the anus as a sexual organ, the buttocks, prostitution, a vein used for drug injection, a synonym for damn, an attractive woman, an object or place, the essence of someone, and a difficult task. It can also be used as an adjective to describe a foolish person, a verb meaning both to physically abuse someone and to call a woman a cunt, and an exclamation to signify frustration. Despite its semantic flexibility, however, cunt remains our highest linguistic taboo It has yet, if ever, to return to grace Jonathon Green, 2. Cunt is a short, monosyllabic word, though its brevity is deceptive. The words etymology is surprisingly complex and contentious. Like many swear words, it has been incorrectly dismissed as merely Anglo Saxon slang friend, heed this warning, beware the affront. Of aping a Saxon dont call it a cunt. In fact, the origins of cunt can be traced back to the Proto Indo European cu, one of the oldest word sounds in recorded language. Cu is an expression quintessentially associated with femininity, and forms the basis of cow, queen, and cunt. The c words second most significant influence is the Latin term cuneus, meaning wedge. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated, Contact Us On gamestorrentodeletegmail. And The Post Will Be Immediatly Deleted in 15. Timeline of the Development of the Horse by Beverley Davis. Except possibly for the dog, no animal has contributed more to humanity than the horse. Welcome to the Military Gallery, publishers of Robert Taylor, Nicolas Trudgian, Simon Atack, and other leading aviation, marine, and military artists. The Old Dutch kunte provides the plosive final consonant. The Oxford English Dictionary clarifies the words commonest contexts as the two fold female external genital organs and term of vulgar abuse RW Burchfield, 1. At the heart of this incongruity is our cultures negative attitude towards femininity. I/61T5tpxKQCL.jpg' alt='1066 The Battle For Middle Earth Torrent' title='1066 The Battle For Middle Earth Torrent' />Cunt is a primary example of the multitude of tabooed words and phrases relating to female sexuality, and of the misogyny inherent in sexual discourse. Kate Millett sums up the words uniquely despised status Somehow every indignity the female suffers ultimately comes to be symbolized in a sexuality that is held to be her responsibility, her shame. It can be summarized in one four letter word. And the word is not fuck, its cunt. Our self contempt originates in this in knowing we are cunt 1. When used in a reductive, abusive context, female genital terms such as cunt are notably more offensive than male equivalents such as dick. This linguistic inequality is mirrored by a cultural imbalance that sees images of the vagina obliterated from contemporary visual culture The vagina, according to many feminist writers, is so taboo as to be virtually invisible in Western culture Lynn Holden, 2. Censorship of both the word cunt and the organ to which it refers is symptomatic of a general fear of and disgust for the vagina itself. The most literal manifestation of this fear is the myth of the vagina dentata, symbolising the male fear that the vagina is a tool of castration the femme castratrice, a more specific manifestation of the Film Noir femme fatale. There have been attempts, however, to reappropriate cunt, investing it with a positive meaning and removing it from the lexicon of offence, similar in effect to the transvaluation of bad, sick, and wicked, whose colloquial meanings have also been changed from negative to positive what Jonathon Green calls the bad equals good model of oppositional slang Jennifer Higgie, 1. The same process took place in Mexico when the offensive term gueybuey was co opted by the cool, young set as a term of endearment Marc Lacey, 2. The Cunt Art movement used traditional feminine arenas such as sewing and cheerleading as artistic contexts in which to relocate the word. A parallel cunt power ideology, seeking to reclaim the word more forcefully, was instigated by Germaine Greer and later revived by Zoe Williams, who encouraged Cunt Warriors to reclaim the word 2. Jacqueline Z Wilson, 2. What cunt has in common with most other contemporary swear words is its connection to bodily functions. Genital, scatological, and sexual terms such as, respectively, cunt, shit, and fuck are our most powerful taboos, though this was not always the case. Social taboos originally related to religion and ritual, and Philip Thody contrasts our contemporary bodily taboos with the ritual taboos of tribal cultures In our society, that of the industrialised West, the word taboo has lost almost all its magical and religious associations 1. In Totem Und Tabu, Sigmund Freuds classic two fold definition of taboo encompasses both the sacred and the profane, both religion and defilement The meaning of taboo, as we see it, diverges in two contrary directions. To us it means, on the one hand, sacred, consecrated, and on the other uncanny, dangerous, forbidden, unclean 1. Taboos relating to language are most readily associated with the transgressive lexicon of swearing. William Shakespeare, writing at the cusp of the Reformation, demonstrated the reduced potency of blasphemy and, with his thinly veiled cunt puns, slyly circumvented the newfound intolerance towards sexual language. Later, John Wilmot would remove the veil altogether, writing some of the filthiest verses composed in English David Ward, 2. Puritanism. Establishment prudery. Peter Fryer 1. Victorian period, when sexually explicit language was prosecuted as obscene. It was not until the latter half of the 2. Lady Chatterleys Lover, that the tide finally turned, and sexual taboos including that of cunt were challenged by the permissive society. During the Lady Chatterley obscenity trial, the word cunt became part of the national news agenda, and indeed the eventual publication of Lady Chatterley can be seen as something of a watershed for the word, marking the first widespread cultural dissemination of arguably the most emotionally laden taboo term Ruth Wajnryb, 2. The word has since become increasingly prolific in the media, and its appearances can broadly be divided into two types euphemism and repetition. Humorous, euphemistic references to cunt, punning on the word without actually using it in full, represent an attempt to undermine our taboo against it by laughing at our inability to utter the word, we recognise the arcane nature of the taboo and begin to challenge it. By contrast, the parallel trend towards repetitive usage of cunt seeks to undermine the taboo through desensitisation. If cunt is repeated ad infinitum, our sense of shock at initially encountering the word is rapidly dispelled. 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